International Junior Conference 2023 entitled Where the World is Heading

On June 15, we invite school children and youth to participate in the International Junior Conference entitled Where the World is Heading with respect to ocean and climate change.

We are open to submissions of an arbitrary form: multimedia presentation, poster, PPT presentation, mock-ups, etc. The participants’ projects will be available on the Padlet platform and will be assessed by the Scientific Committee.

Registered participants will be able to present their project in the form of a 3-minute oral presentation or video record. These mini-lectures will be preceded by an invited guest, a respected scientist. The day ends with announcing the results of the best presentations and honouring the winners with prizes and diplomas in age classes.

The award committee evaluation criteria are as follows:

  • An innovative approach to the subject
  • Content
  • Form of presentation
  • Presentation of the topic and the ability to convey your thesis

Important dates:

We have extended the registration for you!

Submission of the application:    May 8 May 15, 2023

Confirmation of acceptance:        May 15 May 19, 2023

The Conference:                                   June 15, 2023


SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (Get to know us better)



Aleksandra Koroza, IO PAN/Sopot Science Association
Izabela Kotynska-Zielinska, Today We Have/Sopot Science Association

Online submissions in English are available under the link:

Instructions 2023

Link for the previous conference edition

Information on the conference is also available at:




The winners of the conference 2023

Congratulations for all of the winners of International Junior Conference 
entitled Where the World is Heading 2023 !!!
Children and youth from Gibraltar, Greece, Morocco, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Spain presented their amazing projects, which you can see also at:…/international-junior…
The Scientific Committee, after long discussions, decided that the winners are:
💡I am a friend of a nature. I know what water footprint is.
Authors: Kietlińska Helena, Kołtunowska Magdalena, Konyukhowa Myrosłava, Topolski Hubert, Wąsowska Krystyna, Zielińska Aurora and students of classes III, Poland
💡Smog a silent killer! Sustainable development is the key to success in achieving energy balance-an ideal city.
Authors: Joanna Lebda, Michał Wysocki, Maciej Guzowski, Stanisław Ciastoń, Krzysztof Bohdanowicz, Krzysztof Kulesza, Poland
💡Coral Reef Restoration.
Author: Asa Miller, USA
💡Solutions for limiting ghost fishing in the Black Sea.
Authors: Cristian Budes, Mara Vaslaban, Romania
💡Producing biodiesel from marine algae.
Authors: Mirela Mate, Arina Ardeleanu, Romania
We also awarded 3 distinctions:
💡Animals are our friends.
Authors: Students of classes II, Poland
💡Climate change- Our future visualisation.
Author: Karolina Górska, Poland
💡Fast charging station for electronic devices.
Authors: Luka Vogli, Goga Daniel, Lgharbi Yaakoub, Dimo Artemis, Greece
It was an amazing meeting with inspiring young people who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet. We hope to see you all during the following year and at the conference in 2024.
The conference is partly connected to the I live by the Sea Ocean Action ( and Ocean of changes workshops ( organized by Today We Have, IO PAN ans STN.


Agenda of the International Junior Conference 2023 entitled Where the World is Heading?


Please be vigilant and download the latest versions before the conference, the plan may be slightly changed!

Now you can get to know work of all of International Junior Conference 2023 participants under the link:



Below you will find the links to join the International Sopot Youth Conference 2023 (available soon):

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 6205 2817

Passcode: 157757

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