International Sopot Youth Conference 2024 entitled Where the World is Heading

The Sopot Science Association (SSA) welcomes contributions to the sixth edition of the International Sopot Youth Conference entitled Where the World is Heading. The conference is the continuation of the Sopot Youth Forum. Since 2008 over 650 scientists from many countries have presented their work during the event.

We invite young scientists or science enthusiasts, university students, Ph.D. students and young doctors (up to two years after defense)  to present their work, visions, opinions, and thoughts.

The Sopot Youth Conference consists of two thematic blocks: humanities and social sciences and the second one – natural and physical sciences. Both oral (15 minutes) and poster presentations are welcome.

The 2024 edition of the conference is planned to be held in an entirely online mode. 
This year, we are seeking presentations for special, interdisciplinary sessions dedicated to women and girls in science. More information soon!

Due to the multidisciplinary character of the Sopot Youth Conference abstracts and presentations should be prepared in an intelligible manner. The Conference language is English.

Our Conference Proceedings are registered, and have an ISBN, and thus can be cited.

Just like in previous editions this year the best presentations will be granted  AWARDS. 


Agenda of the International Sopot Youth Conference 2024 entitled Where the World is Heading?

Please be vigilant and download the latest versions before the conference, the plan may be slightly changed!

Agenda 2024


Proceedings of the International Sopot Youth Conference 2024 entitled Where the World is Heading?

Book of Abstracts 2024

Keynote speaker

Keynote speaker: Sally Soria-Dengg

Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

Despite the implementation of aggressive measures to reduce CO2 emissions, it is highly likely that the 1.5°C threshold set to limit the dangerous effects of climate change will be exceeded in the coming decades. In fact, last year global warming has exceeded 1.5°C over a 12-month period. Fortunately, this is not (yet) a permanent condition, but even the start of 2024 temperature extremes have been recorded.

In order to limit global temperature, increase within acceptable levels, additional measures will have to be employed. One of the possible methods put forward to achieve this is the active removal of CO2 from the atmosphere (Carbon Dioxide Removal, CDR). The urgency of the climate problem has placed CDR and other climate engineering approaches more and more to the attention of global political debate.

What is exactly CDR? How do we go about it? In this presentation, insights will be given on CDR methods, giving emphasis on representative examples of biological, biogeochemical and chemical approaches. The principles behind these methods, their additional benefits and possible risks and side effects will be discussed.

Logo Where the World is Heading to download




Abstract submissions (max. 1500 characters)

 16 May, 2024 CLOSED!

Acceptance notifications

20 May 2024


7 June 2024



Sopot Science Association (


Natural Sciences

Joanna Calkiewicz, SSA / NMFRI, Poland
Joachim Dengg, GEOMAR, Germany
Luca Ferrero, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Carlos Garcia-Soto, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Urszula Janas, University of Gdansk, Poland
Maria Carmen García Martínez, IEO-CSIC, Spain
Paulina Pakszys, SSA / IO PAN, Poland
Karolina Pierzynowska, University of Gdansk, Poland
Szymon Smolinski, SSA / NMFRI, Poland
Rohan Soman, Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, PAS, Poland
Marcin Stokowski, SSA / IO PAN, Poland
Natalia Szymanska, SSA / IO PAN, Poland
Grzegorz Wegrzyn, University of Gdansk, Poland
Marta Wojewodka-Przybyl, ING PAN / GeoPlanet, Poland
Tymon Zielinski, SSA / IO PAN, Poland

Humanities and Social Sciences

Izabela Kotynska-Zielinska, SSA / Today We Have, Poland
Katarzyna Kukowicz-Zarska, Ateneum-University in Gdansk, Poland
Dorota Majewicz, SSA/Koszalin University of Technology/Bluebay Ltd, Poland
Srividya Nadindla, Techno India School of Management Studies, India
Grazyna Niedoszytko, NMFRI-Gdynia Aquarium, Poland
Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska, University of Lodz / German Historical Institute Warsaw, Poland
Natalia Treder-Rochna, SSA / University of Gdansk, Poland
Mariola Zalewska, University of Warsaw, Poland

Young Scientific Committee 

Karolina Gorn, IO PAN, Poland
Wirginia Hepert, SSA / University of Gdansk, Poland
Aleksandra Koroza, SSA / IO PAN, Poland
Niccolò Losi, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Zainab Mokhfi, M1 MédiACCES, Montpellier, France
Nusratullah Nabeel Rahimi, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom


Izabela Kotynska-Zielinska, SSA / TWH, Poland; Email:
Paulina Pakszys, SSA / IO PAN, Poland; Email:
Karolina Gorn, IO PAN, Poland
Agata Gozdzik, IGF PAN / GeoPlanet, Poland
Tomasz Kijewski, SSA / IO PAN, Poland
Aleksandra Koroza, SSA / IO PAN, Poland


Online submissions until May 6 (registration starts on April 1 at midnight and ends on May 6 at midnight), 2024!

Contact persons for natural sciences is Paulina Pakszys and for humanities and social sciences – Izabela Kotynska-Zielinska.


Discussion Panel


We obtained many submissions for the conference and in order to accommodate as many of you as possible and facilitate a wide knowledge transfer we decided to postpone the special session on inclusive science.


We are aware that this is a very important issue and thus we will organize a special webinar on this topic. Once we have a good date for the webinar we will promote it and reach each and every one of you.


Young scientists presented their amazing works, visions and opinions! Recordings of this event will also be available soon. After long discussions, the Scientific Committee decided that the winners are:


Firstly, the Prize prof. Stanisław Szymborski awarded by the Director of the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences for the best presentation in the field of Natural Sciences during the International Sopot Youth Conference 2024 entitled “Where the World is Heading” for Jakub Stankiewicz 1, Monika Badura 1 & Anna Drążkowska 2 from University of Gdansk 1 & Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun 2, Poland.

Secondly, the Award Granted by the Sopot Science Association for the best presentation in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences during the International Sopot Youth Conference 2024 entitled “Where the World is Heading” for Jurand Sobiecki, Martyna Malcher, Oliwia Kosecka, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka from University of Gdansk, Poland.

Third, the Award of the Director of the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences for the best poster during the International Youth Conference in Sopot 2023 entitled “Where the World is Heading” for Patrycja Nowakowska from Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.

Fourth, the Award from OYSTER (Orienting Young ScienTists of EuromaRine) goes for the best presentation to Amandine Willems from University of Toulon, France. The OYSTER award for the best poster goes to Marcin Białowąs, Magdalena Jakubowska-Lehrmann, Lucyna Polak-Juszczak , Barbara Urban-Malinga from National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Poland.

We also awarded 8 distinctions:

  1. For the presentation in the field of Natural Sciences: Irene Gini 1 , Mattia Borelli 1, Paola Fermo 1 , Luca Ferrero 2 , Alessandra Balzarini 2 , Guido Pirovano 2 from University of Milan 1 and University of Milano-Bicocca 2, Italy
  2. For the presentation in the field of Natural Sciences: Andrea D., Pagliarulo, L., Cerri, S., Cefalì, A. M., Maroni, P., Giovinazzi, L., Losi, N., Ferrero, L.

from University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

  1. For the presentation in the field of Natural Sciences: Ilaria Guardamagna from University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
  2. For the presentation in the field of Humanities: Marta Bubnowska from University of Gdansk, Poland
  3. For the presentation in the field of Humanities: Jurand Sobiecki, Iwona Ulenberg, Iryna Mogetych, University of Gdansk, Poland and Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine
  4. For the presentation in the field of Humanities: Marta Górska, University of Wrocław, Poland
  5. For the poster: Miriam Knefel , Alicja Węgrzyn, Grzegorz Węgrzyn, Łukasz Grabowski from University of Gdansk, Poland
  6. For the poster: Marcin Białowąs, Magdalena Jakubowska-Lehrmann, Lucyna Polak-Juszczak , Barbara Urban-Malinga from National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Poland


It was an amazing meeting with inspiring young scientists. Thank you for your participation and your commitment to this important event. This year’s podium was filled with both natural sciences projects and humanities. As you can see, you took to heart that the conference is popular science, and you should prepare your presentations/posters in such a way that even scientifically complex topics could be understood by everyone, and the form contained correct scientifically conducted research with the presented methods and conclusions.


Let’s fight for our planet! See you next year, at the next edition of the conference!


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